Kamusis, developed in .NET platform (C#), runs on Ms-SQL, POSTGRE SQL and ORACLE database, prepared at multi-tier architecture, is software of electronic document and document archive management. Kamusis is an application that can be accessed using web browsers via the internet and local area network without any additional installation in personal computer.
Kamusis has fixed and variable work flow and process management enginee developed considering that work-flow and process of governmental, institutions and organizations may change. Because of this, continues work-flows will be put in process quickly in electronic environment, different work-flows and process will be able to operate easily with our product.
Communications of public institutions and organizations which will do other public institutions and organizations, private companies, and citizens made on printed papers. Nowadays, the development of IT revealed many features to provide the generation, transmission and archiving information and documents in electronic environment. Electronic signature law No. 5070, published in January 23, 2004 and entered into force on 23 July 2004, gaining document attribute of all documents produced in electronic environment is provided by signing with e-signature. E-signature has all the legal rights and responsibilities of hand signature. Mobile signatures are carried out by GSM operators by depending on the provisions of law No. 5070 just as the electronic signature. Mobile signature provides that document produced in electronic document management system is signed by using especially tablet and smart phone applications.
Kamusis has HTLM text editors. These text editors are prepared to meet all the requirements of its users, so the staff working for governments, public institutions and organizations can arrange document according to correspondence rules easily. The documents that arranged with our text editor is storing all revisions of documents by user and can compare different revisions.(e.g. track revisions)
Transferring the documents of government institutions and organizations to the electronic environment will make it easier to access it by staff. With its OCR Module, Kamusis, gives you the freedom to change the type of the document (Microsoft Word, Open Office, PDF etc.) and have the software components to search and edit documents by scanning files.
All documents produced on Kamusis send to the relevant institutions and organizations in electronic environment are the most essential part of the structure. E-Correspondence and a common set of rules developed to securely transmit metadata fields which are determined by considering TS 13298* standards in Electronic Environment. This common set of rules is prepared with .NET and Java Application Programming Interface (API) to be used with different software platforms.
Kamusis’s API develop according to e-Correspondence is one of the first used for Electronic Document and Document Archive Management System. In addition to this, Kamusis has finished the preparation to transmit files with other Kamusis products used by different organizations. With this a measurable, faster and secure document transfer has taken place without using paper, mail, ink and envelope.
*TS 13298:2015 Electronic Document Management and Archivement System Certificate
Kamusis has a mobile application that connects secure and safe channel with server, provides easily acces documents. Mobile apps gives freedom especially manager, directors and administrators where ever they are. Mobile apps has a special interfaces, responsible UI/UX desing and flexiable usage. You can easily custimise, transfer, encourage or extradite documents. Also you can sign with your e-sign or mobile sign