Our Technology: We develop software solutions, working on Ms-SQL, POSTGRE SQL and ORACLE databases, prepared at multi-tier architecture, in .NET(C#) by using ASP.NET, MVC.NET/MVC Core, Bootsrap, Angular and VueJS frameworks.
How We Work:
- Technical Requirements Analysis
- Customer Needs Analysis
- Analysis Report Preparation
- Project Plan Creation
- Design (UI/UX)
- Development
- Testing
- Deployment and Implementation
- Support and Maintenance
Project Management: We manage all software development processes by using the Agile/Scrum methodology. We divide a software project into small pieces called sprints. Our project managers are informed on daily, weekly and monthly basis about developments in each sprint. Our customers are kept informed and projects progress with their opinions and feedback. Thus, customer satisfaction-oriented solutions can be reached easily. Any delays or malfunctions during a sprint can be detected and solutions can be produced quickly with Agile/Scrum methods.